Why Sponsor o11yfest?

As an emerging industry of critical players in the distributed systems observability space, your financial support and direct engagement with the OpenTelemetry community exposes both you and them to your brand. For sponsors who already actively contribute to open source projects, an active presence at this event demonstrates your leadership in this industry to key practitioners and investors. For more information, email

This year, we are targeting between 500-1000 attendees. Your help to socialize the event will increase this further.

Attendees of this event are typically DevOps practitioners in a wide variety of industries and geographic locations. They often value meaningful interactions and active involvement by engineers from sponsors rather over sales pitches and junk email spam.

Sponsorship Options

(sold out!)
(sold out!)
Cost $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 donation to approved cause/charity
# Conference Passes free free free
Presence Virtual Booth + 5min live event spot Virtual Booth + special thanks on all videos Virtual Booth + live stream organizer shout-outs
Company Logo on Website Large Large Small
Company Logo on Digital Signage Large Large Small
Mentions through Social Media 4 2 2
Call-to-Action in Post-Event Newsletter -
All-attendee promoted give-away -

All sponsorships also qualify vendors for the following ‘À la carte’ options:

Our Commitment to Attendee Privacy and Value

We do not sell attendee emails or provide their demographic information. Under no circumstances does this event provide these details in exchange for sponsorship money. Premiere sponsorship income is devoted to paying for event resources and ensuring the future of this conference.

If you are looking for leads, this is not the event for you. Organization who have an ethical understanding that leads are not the only reason to invest in community events and that they also have a responsibility to drive meaningful interactions, then we encourage you to sponsor this event! Otherwise, there are many other pay-to-play events out there.

No Collection of Demographic or Firmographic Data

o11yfest does not collect geographic data or demographics of attendees or their companies for liability and GDPR reasons. What we can say from experience though is that most of the RSVPs who attend are highly qualified SREs, DevOps, and adjacent engineers, often from mid to large organizations in North America and Europe.

Call for Proposals

All sponsors are required to submit a presentation to our CFP will be open on Jan 10th. Our event is not ‘pay to play’ or otherwise quid pro quo like some other traditional events, as we do not sell speaking spots…rather, we require a [non-sales and non-product] engineering-led presentation as contributions from all sponsors who want to participate in and with our community.

The best thing to do for now is to sponsor o11yfest on May 9-12 2022 and join our community for some great conversations and connections!

Sponsor Booths and Attendee Interaction

Virtual sponsor booths can be used to do group presentations, or if you want to 1-1 with an attendee, provided they welcome your inbound communications with them and that is not unsolicited (compliance with our Code of Conduct), we have a Discord server for DMs like this and may even have this feature directly in the streaming platform as well.

Premiere Sponsorship Details

Aside from the above perks, organizers also welcome discussion on the following virtual-friendly options:

Accessibility / Captioning

Our conference community and organizing group care deeply about providing the most inclusive and accessible event as we possibly can. A key element of that on virtual platforms is to provide LIVE captioning during and curated captions on all video after the event. We contract this work out to a firm which specializes in human live captioning. This usually costs at least ~$3,000 which is a significant chunk of money, but can be offset by a single sponsor who also cares deeply about accessibility. Because captioning affects every presentation, each video will contain a special thanks to this sponsor as a permanent reminder of our shared commitment to this end.

Contributor Sponsorship Details

In keeping with the spirit and values of the conference, sponsors who donate a minimum total of $2,000 USD to one or more organizer-approved charities and causes also receive a subset of perks. This option encourages for-profit organizations to directly and positively support underrepresented communities.

Suggested Donation Beneficiaries:

If you feel there are other good causes that should be on this list, please contact the organizers.

If you have alternative non-profit charities or causes you would like to suggest, please ask the organizers to review and approve it for inclusion into this list BEFORE donating. Donations that occur before engaging the event organizers cannot be retroactively counted towards a sponsorship since the event is encouraging net-new donation revenue. Questions?

À la Carte options (requires sponsorship + additional fee)


You are encouraged to provide Call-to-Action (CTA) links to giveaways. This can link to your own site where if you chose, you can request the visitor’s contact info. However, giveaways are also subject to the o11yfest Code of Conduct, even if they are on your site.


A workshop is an additional $2,000 and includes a hosted conference space managed by organizers as well as pre-event advisement/good-practices session with the host(s) on your end. Half of this fee goes to platform + A/V assistance and the other half goes to donations to our good cause list.

Virtual Game Rooms

A virtual game room is a hosted space where attendees can gather to play online games. This space can be branded and if you’d like to host your own games, you can provide your own call-to-register before entering the game. We are still developing recommendations on which online games are free and easy for attendees to join.

All Other Questions

All questions can be emailed to and depending on the nature of the question, organizers can be scheduled for a brief face-to-face virtual chat upon request.